Piercing Questions

contact us with any other questions

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contact us with any other questions • ♡ •

  • We are an 18+ shop which does include piercing. At this time we will not be offering piercings for minors, but we will do our best to refer you and your child to someone who will.

  • The Short Answer: No, we will not use your own jewelry.

    The Longer Answer: We have no way to verify the quality or material and it is likely that the sizing may also not be appropriate your piercing. We use implant-grade titanium for initial piercing. 14kt and 18kt gold options are available, but will affect pricing. We want to ensure the jewelry we place on your body is a safe to do so, and this is only doable by using suppliers that have been properly vetted.

  • Yes, we sell Steri-Wash for $10.

    From their website: “Steri-Wash© Sterile Saline Sprays are simple sterilized sodium chloride solutions used to clean wounds and piercings with the same safe percentage of saline already in the human body. Our products do not cause stinging or burning. There are no added drugs or preservatives, and they are vegan friendly. These products are used in hospitals, nursing care, and emergency care facilities to care for wounds and burns.”

  • We will not pierce clients who:

    • are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol

    • are pregnant

    • are breastfeeding

    • are sick

    • do not have proper identification